Tuesday 19 June 2012


The wadding for these quilts has arrived. I have spent a good few hours sandwiching them all and now it's just a matter of getting started...
I will be hand-quilting two of these quilts (this one, and this one), wish me luck :), but the one I'm making for my sister will be machine-quilted.

O enchimento para estes quilts chegou. Passei algumas horas a colocar os três layers juntos e agora é só uma questão de pôr mãos à obra...
Vou acolchoar à mão dois destes quilts (este e este), desejem-me sorte :), mas o quilt que eu estou a fazer para minha irmã vai ser acolchoado à máquina.


  1. ooooo that looks like a lot of hard work. Do you spray baste yours?? Or pin them? I am about to try and sandwich my quilt soon, and everyone keeps telling me to buy some spray baste! Any thoughts?

  2. Hi :)
    I have never used the spray, so I can't really comment on that. I used safety pins for the one I am machine-quilting, then just remove the pins as I'm quilting it. For the ones I'm hand-quilting I used a needle and thread, it secures the 3 layers together and the pins don't get in the way when moving the hoop about. (If you look at the images closely you can see the white thread on the ones at the top and bottom, and the pins on the one in the middle.)
    I find that the wadding I use gets nicely adhered to the front and back of the quilt, and personally I wouldn't feel the need to "glue" it. I also wonder if it gets messy. But again, I have never used it. Let me know how it goes if you decide to use it (will check on you blog to find out!). x
