Thursday, 26 May 2011

Mouse ears

Today I was asked by a colleague at work to make some mouse ears, for her son to take to some event at school tomorrow.  They were done quite quick and they are not perfect, but I found them so cute I took a picture with my phone and had to share. =)

Hoje uma colega no trabalho pediu-me para fazer umas orelhas de rato, para o filho dela levar para um evento qualquer amanhã na escola. Foram feitas muito rapidamente e não estão perfeitas, mas achei-as tão fofinhas que tive de tirar uma fotografia com o telemóvel e partilhar.  =)


  1. Do we have some directions on how to make these cute mouse ears?

  2. Sorry, there isn't a tutorial. I improvised these a long time ago.
